V.I.B.E ™

Vibrational Intentional Body Enhancement

New timeline. New tasks. New frequencies.

The Magic Gemstone Tuning Fork

Tuning forks can do a great service for your energy bio field and the rooms you are operating in. Like your home, office, yoga studio, therapy room and many more. Energies can get stuck easily and restrict a positive charge or free flow.

Energetic hygene is now more important than ever before and should be added to your daily routines. Our collective energies have changed and that needs a change of perspective and alignment.

V.I.B.E Clean™

A unique frequency of 2592hz

= 6 x 432hz !

Harmonize your spaces & biofield.

With interchangeable gemstone spheres!
7 different gemstones.

Available May 2024. Pre Order starting soon.

Crafted and manufactured in Germany.

Sound designer & therapist Dirk Schulz has been testing a variety of new frequencies to get faster and lasting results in clearing and harmonizing fields. He found that some frequencies combined with conscious intensions or statements are stronger than others.

Certain numbers like 432 and 3|6|9 seem to play a very important role when it comes to harmonizing fields. Find these frequencies in some of Dirk´s sound art pictures !