Sirius Vibrations is a young german company with some very experienced individuals in sound, spirituality, art and holistic business. 

We are working on developing new and innovative products that are related to vibration and frequency.

Dirk Schulz

sound healing | sound frequency design | artwork | energetic coach

As a gold/platinum awarded producer and mixing engineer Dirk Schulz has gained a quite fair reputation working for various international artists. Within over 30 years of experience in the field of audio and music such as recording, mixing, composing, arranging, sound designing, he has found his way into the field of sound healing, vibrations and somatics (frequency art).

As being an intuitive empath, Dirk is able to perceive the multidimensional aspect of sound. Now he is offering a wide range of therapeutic technics in his work as an energetic coach.

Helene Schibel

creative development | designing | customer care | backoffice

As a trained Yin Yoga teacher and doula (birth and pregnancy coach) Helene is bringing in a lot of experience in balancing out the feminine aspect of life.

Her skills in creative product development and designing are a major contribution to the energetic imprint of Sirius Vibrations.

Viviana Mencocco

creative development | event management | integrational coach

Vivianas curiosity and healing journey has taken her to different cultures, healing systems, holistic women’s medicine, a variety of spiritual paths, nature and the mystery of birth on all levels.

As cultural and medical anthropologist, doula, wilderness trainer and psychological & systemic coach, she accompanies others in lovingly transforming hardened beliefs and developmental knots and in remembering their pure essence and wholeness more deeply.

We create a safe space for you, where you can integrate your experiences and deepen the embodiment of your true self.

Timo Marschall

product managment | marketing | sales 

Timo is responsible for connecting us to the world of business. Being a musician and music-lover himself he worked on demo-tapes with Dirk in his youth in the 1990s.
After transforming his personal and family life into an alternative way of living, he is devoted to a holistic way of doing business. Some of his long term major experiences are in marketing, sales, franchise systems, consulting and product management.